OLD – Support Local Active Targeted Directory Program

The only system that activly targets then delivers customers to your doorstep

The I-Support Local Active Targeting Listing System eliminates the competition, including national chains.
  • No giant listing site where your potential customer can view all of your competition in the area
  • Don't wait on a site hoping someone will stumble by

Part-1 Your custom landing page

Your custom landing page has all of your pertinent info at the finger tips of the potential customer.

  • Why do we use a landing page?>  - We optimize the SEO for your landing page to rank highest for the hyper targeted systems, and can easily monitor the traffic driven to your page.
  • All of your information is is one are. Many times people do not want to navigate through a website to find hours, pricing, vital info or specials. The landing page puts all the pertinent information in one east to read area. A visitor can also easy click through to your site at any time to learn more about your products and services.

Your landing page includes (but is not limited to)

Business name/title Address Phone number Website URL Categories Description

Tagline Social profiles Images Additional media Alternate phone numbers Fax number

Certifications Brands carried Payment forms accepted Events Custom Attributes

Crystal Room Restaurant

Crystal Room Restaurant 

Where good food and Friends come together


227 Collins St.

Melbourne, West Verginia 55555

(555) 555-1212

  • Restaurant and function centre. Family restaurant located within the Glen Innes & District Services Club. Function to accommodate up to 500 people.
  • Weddings and Catering

Crystal Room Restaurant

Part 2 - Engaging the video though the active hyper targeting system

 We engage a video of your profession type on our platform for the area, liked to your landing page:

Our net platform senses when someone is searching or speaking about online about your product or services, searching or speaking on Facebook posts and so on, then locks on to those devices (people) and  plays your video for them as soon as they visit one of the sites we service. (currently 95% of all sites that air video) Roku, streaming TV, internet, all platforms are included.

It Is similar to the Google re-targeting system, where after searching for something you start seeing ads for that product or service, in video format, not a banner.

The ad video is played before they watch the video they came to the site to watch (pre-roll), just like when you go to YouTube to watch a video and a commercial plays first.  When someone is interested in utilizing your services while watching your ad they click on your video to go to your site. Total Impressions: Up to 30K per mo -( impressions are on demand as described, so impression count depends greatly on area your population in the area your business is located, and amount of searches are done in that area to match. - Ex. NYC would have a higher request for commercial impressions than  Wichita KS. )

Overview of entire process:Research Client Demo