Wildlife Photographer of the Year: ghostly face or fish?

A photo of a stargazer fish is one of several highly commended in Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Source: US News and Business Report -usnewsandbusinessreport.com- BBC Breaking Wildlife Photographer of the Year: ghostly face or fish?

US military time capsule not empty after all

The military academy first thought the 200-year-old box was empty. Closer study revealed otherwise. Source: US News and Business Report -usnewsandbusinessreport.com- BBC Breaking US military time capsule not empty after all

Pass AI law soon or risk falling behind, MPs warn

The commons technology committee urges new legislation for the UK to take lead on AI regulation. Source: US News and Business Report -usnewsandbusinessreport.com- BBC Breaking Pass AI law soon or risk falling behind, MPs warn

The Papers: New laws for 'cowardly killers' over sentencing hearings

Fresh legislation will see custody officers allowed to use reasonable force. Source: US News and Business Report -usnewsandbusinessreport.com- BBC Breaking The Papers: New laws for 'cowardly killers' over sentencing hearings