“Stories of Local Businesses” – Archive5789343406 08/15/2023 Bridlewood Insurance

“Stories of Local Businesses” – Archive5789343406 08/15/2023

Author : David Allen : #658423 – X709

08/15/2023- 15:36

Bridlewood Insurance Now Gets Co-Pays for Insulin Program Down to $35 a Month


October 15 through December 7- Bridlewood Insurance has open enrollment for eligible Medicare recipients. Bridlewood insurance agents help customers wade through the increasingly complicated Medicare system. Their focus is to save the customer money on the annually-changing insurance plans, and for the first time ever have an insulin program in place that can get co-pays down to $35 a month. 

Medicare sends out information each year to recipients only about their existing plan, essentially leaving you on your own. It has become necessary to use an agent or advisor. Bridlewood agents are not just salesmen, they are problem solvers. They present the information for customers to make an informed decision and do not stop there. “The sale is just the start of the relationship,” said Jeffry Wetzel, President and CEO of Bridlewood Insurance Services Inc.

Though based out of San Diego, Bridlewood has 500 agents across 27 states all with the same commitment and care to your insurance plan. All of the agents are independent contractors through Bridlewood, so they are able to be knowledgeable about the different “flavors” in plans which vary from county to county. The biggest swindle they see from Medicare plans is through prescription drugs. There are five tier levels: One and Two being generics, Three and Four are the brand names, and Specialty at the fifth level. Through brand names, they are mostly utilizing level threes. For example, customers on level three using a prescription plan at $35 a month may not notice the change in restructuring for the following year’s plan when it switches to 35%, thus costing the consumer more money. Bridlewood Insurance agents pick through the plans, noting any changes, and work through the 29 stand-alone drug plans to redo prescriptions and find the best fit for their customer. Additionally, those with kidney dialysis now have the opportunity to be on one of the advantage plans, a fancier option previously unavailable. It does not cost the customer anything extra to use Bridlewood Insurance, and you can only benefit from the surplus of information provided by these agents. 

Jeffry Wetzel began the journey in forming Bridlewood Insurance 12 years ago when his mom called for help with Medicare during an open-enrollment period. She told him how the plans change every year with new doctors. When Mr. Wetzel called the agent who signed up his mom multiple times with no answer, he decided to do his own research and got in touch with United in San Diego. He sat through a training class and was even sent out on appointments in the field. Mr. Wetzel explained how eye-opening it was just how many people need help. He founded Bridlewood Insurance six years, bringing his wife into the business as well, with the value that the customer comes first. He saw first-hand how many agents are out there just to sign people up, make their commission, and disappear. 

Bridlewood Insurance sets itself apart. They send monthly newsletters to their customers, giving them a hometown feel. The newsletters contain jokes, puzzles, and list birthdays of the customers to ensure a personal connection. The agents are not just around during open-enrollment. They keep in touch with their customers year-round, forming these relationships to ensure longevity. Bridlewood Insurance continues to grow exponentially while keeping true to the core values at the forefront of their business. 


Author : David Allen : #658423 – X709

08/15/2023- 15:36

Bridlewood Insurance
